About the Site

I love good food, but I despise cooking.

Slow food, fast food, simple food, extravagant food, local food, imported high-carbon footprint food. I prefer going to restaurants or ordering dinner (thankfully NYC makes that so easy), but I'm trying to make more dinners at home.

I have a rule when I look at recipes, the ingredients list has to be shorter than the instructions. The instructions have to be followable while managing a 4-year old. Basically, no weird or difficult to source ingredients and no huge time/effort commitment on the production.

That being said, it's hard to find really good food that I'm willing to make and our kid is willing to eat. So this is my collection of borrowed ideas, hopefully it will keep growing and good food won't just be something I pick up the phone to order.

Thank you to all of the resources who have helped me make a decent meal now and then.